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Charles Ghigna - Father Goose®

the author of more than 100 award-winning books from Random House, Disney, Hyperion, Time Inc.,

Scholastic, Simon & Schuser, Capstone, Boyds Mills, Abrams, Orca, Charlesbridge and other publishers.

I’m Nuts About Nuts!

            for Jama Rattigan

From Peanut to Pistachio,
Beneath my salty mustachio,
I chew a Cashew -- or two.

Coconut or sweet Brazil,
Pecan, Almond -- what a thrill.
Chestnut, Pine, Walnut -- all mine!

Macadamia and Hazel,
They all win my appraisal.
No ifs, ands, or buts -- I’m crazy over nuts!

©Charles Ghigna


Linda B said...

So absolutely true, too! Fun to see a poem about Jama, Charles, a foodie to adore!

Anonymous said...

My mouth is watering. Love Jama's food poetry!

Michelle Heidenrich Barnes said...

Can't think of a nicer nut than Jama to tribute in this way! ;)

Bridget Magee said...

Fabulous poem for a fabulous food aficionado! In our house, whenever someone says, "cashew" someone immediately follows up with "God bless you!" Love nut jokes and poems. Thanks for sharing. =)

Ruth said...


Anonymous said...

A perfect poem for Jama!

Mary Lee said...

Perfectly delicious!

Anonymous said...

cool poem :)

I like it:)


Charles Ghigna said...

Thank you all for going nuts with me!

Bridget, I will now think of you and your family's clever "God bless you" tradition every time I hear the word "cashew!"

catherinemjohnson.com said...

Very nutty indeed - love it!

BJ Lee said...
